HiWatch CS-Q
HiWatch CS-Q
HiWatch CS-Q cold spray diagnostic system is an unique spray gun mountable particle sensor that enables continuous online cold spray process monitoring. It provides gapless data stream from the cold spray process and alert system to issue warning if out of bounds condition is detected.
Sensor system operation model, and particle and plume data content and format are essentially similar to what is provided by HiWatch CS2 sensor.
- Particle level data contains single particle physical data values:
- position
- velocity
- size estimate
- Plume level data is composed from collection of particle data:
- relative density
- plume position
- plume width
Sensor operation is controlled from the computer keyboard outside the spray booth for added convenience, safety and optimized settings.
HiWatch CS-Q system contains
- sensor unit
- safety and power interface (SPI)
- operating software
- air purge system for sensor protection in spraying environment
The SPI unit offers two options:
- portable unit for easy field operation
- industrial cabinet for fixed installation in production level operation
How can we help you?
Please fill in the required fields in the contact form and we will be happy to provide you further information of our products. If possible, describe your need and/or intended use of the equipment so that we can provide more accurate information.
You can also contact directly our agent/distributor if available in your area. If you provide information of your location we can also direct your inquiry to the closest agent/distributor for further action.
If your application is not in our traditional thermal spray, cold spray, shotpeening or similar field but you think that our kind of technology and capabilities for process diagnostics could be applied to your process needs let us know. We will be happy to look into your need and see if we can use our equipment and software perhaps with some modifications to meet your needs?